

Why should I go solar?

The benefits of solar energy span everything from significant financial savings to reducing your impact on the climate. You'll increase your home's value by installing a solar system on your home.

What are the financial benefits of solar energy?

When you install a solar energy system on your property, you save money on your electricity bills and protect yourself against rising electricity rates in the future. How much you can save depends on your area's utility rates and solar policies, but going solar is a wise investment regardless of where you live.

What are the environmental benefits of solar energy?

Like other renewable energy resources, solar power has many environmental and health benefits. Going solar reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change, and results in fewer air pollutants like sulfur dioxide and particulate matter, which can cause health problems.

How do I find out how much I pay for electricity?

The easiest way to find out how much you pay for electricity (and how much electricity you use per month) is to take a look at your utility electricity bill—Review EnergySage's guide to reading your electricity bill to find out exactly what to look for.

How does solar impact my property values?

Studies have shown that homes with solar energy systems sell for more than homes without them. However, your property value will only increase if you own, rather than lease, your solar panel system. Going solar will increase your property value more than a kitchen renovation in most parts of the country. We covered everything you need to know about selling your house with solar and the most important questions to ask your real estate agent before selling your home with solar panels.

What is the lifespan of solar panels?

Most solar panels have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years. Their efficiency typically degrades over time, but modern panels are designed to maintain high performance for an extended period.

How much maintenance do solar panels require?

Solar panels are relatively low-maintenance. Regular cleaning to remove dirt and debris, as well as occasional checks on the system's wiring and components, are usually sufficient.

Do solar panels work on cloudy days?

Yes, solar panels work on cloudy days or when the sun isn't shining as bright. Power output can be slightly reduced, but the solar panels should still be able to meet your power needs.

Are there government incentives for installing solar panels?

Many governments offer incentives, tax credits, or rebates to encourage the installation of solar panels. These incentives can significantly reduce the upfront cost of a solar energy system.

What is a Grid Connected Solar Rooftop System?

In Grid connected Solar Rooftop PV system the DC power generated from SPV panel is converted to AC power using power conditioning unit (Inverter). Generated Power by this system during the day time is utilized fully for powering loads and excess power is fed to the Grid. Grid connected Solar Rooftop system is operational so long as grid is available. In case, where solar power is not sufficient due to cloud cover, night time, etc., the loads are served by drawing power from the grid. The Grid is act as storage facility in this system.